Copernican Revolution Lab (CRL), initiated by the Copernicus Science Centre (CSC), is the first research and development center in Poland where the focus of scientists and researchers is on learning and developing 21st-century competencies in STEAM education (Science and Technology, interpreted through Engineering and the Arts) and studying social engagement in science.
Research and development projects are a crucial element of contemporary scientific and technological development. They are structural and strategic initiatives aimed at conducting interdisciplinary research, developing new technologies, fostering innovation, and discovering new information to solve existing social, economic, and scientific problems.
CRL is an interdisciplinary space for scientific exploration and education, combining knowledge development with practice and entrepreneurship. In the workshop, scientists from various fields investigate the relationship between teaching methods in natural and exact sciences and the processes of learning and competency development. The research and development work of PPK involves acquiring, combining, shaping, and utilizing current knowledge and skills for production planning, as well as creating and designing new educational products and services.
DigiPatch investigates the interaction between psychological needs and digital media use in the social sphere and processes of identity formation and protection.
The main aim of the project is threefold. It will:
- investigate how digital media creates conditions for cultural and societal change from a traditionally networked society to a rigidly ‘patchwork’ one.
- find out why this occurs, with a focus on cultural factors, and the socio-cognitive processes of individuals.
- outline what the potential societal consequences of these processes are.
DigiPatch is a part of CHANSE, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe, which is a joint initiative of 27 research funding organisations from 24 countries. The main goal of the CHANSE initiative is to launch a transnational call for collaborative projects focused on the topic of Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age.
The Copernicus Science Centre is a member of the DigiPatch project team, responsible for implementing the Knowledge Exchange component.
As part of our activities, we will be responsible for the implementation of the Knowledge Exchange component, which includes:
- Organizing international workshops on prototyping solution scenarios related to the mechanisms of functioning and isolation of narrow social groups on the internet, in collaboration with The German Institute for Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies (GIRDS) in Prazewrótka Kopeŕnickańska.
- The workshops aim to create an intervention scenario that promotes openness among members of radicalizing groups towards contact, relationships, and collaboration with others. The participants of the workshops will be representatives of social stakeholders in the project: educators, artists, researchers, and social activists from Poland, Germany, Sweden, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
- We will develop a project knowledge map together with scientists and representatives of non-formal education from Poland, Germany, Sweden, and Spain.
- In the LivingLab, we will design a research station that will collect data for one of the project's research areas during exhibitions at the Copernicus Science Centre.
- We will promote the project results through scientific conferences in Poland and abroad.
Project coordinator from the Copernicus Science Centre: Szymon Filipowicz.

The main goal of the Road-STEAMer consortium within the ECSITE network (European network of science centres and museums) is to work on recommendations for effectively implementing STEAM solutions in education in European Union countries.
The aim of the Road-STEAMer consortium under the Horizon Europe program is to attempt to develop a "roadmap" for implementing STEAM-based solutions in education across all European Union countries, in order to:
- Poduce better knowledge and shared understanding of Europe’s particular educational needs and how STEAM can address them.
- Eexplore the opportunities arising through STEAM for integrated science learning approaches and synergies.
- Study those policy deficiencies that hinter the impactful adoption of STEAM approaches in Europe’s science education landscape.
The tasks of the Copernicus Science Centre include organizing two dialog sessions where experts from various fields related to education can exchange their experiences. We will collect and analyze information on STEAM-based educational policy and examine grassroots STEAM solutions available in the Polish market. More about project:
Project coordinator from the Copernicus Science Centre: Szymon Filipowicz.
- STEAM context, concepts and conditions: Socio-economic context and relevant needs
This document focuses on the socio-economic context and needs for STEAM in education in Europe. The exploration of these needs and contexts is methodologically based, firstly, on desk research including literature review and secondary data analysis and secondly, on a co-creation workshop with consortium members.
- The Road-STEAMer Community
This work describes how the Road-STEAMer Community of stakeholders is being formed and managed by applying the participatory methodology and drawing on extensive networks and numerous previous and running projects and initiatives in STEAM education and beyond with strong stakeholder engagement elements.