We take every effort to make our building and our offer available for as many people as possible. 

Before you visit – and if you have any additional questions – please contact us at info@kopernik.org.pl. In case it's needed, we can assign a person to greet your group in Copernicus, help with the ticket purchase, and show how to move around the building.

Reduced price and free tickets

  • People with disabilities are entitled to a reduced ticket fee after providing an appropriate documentation and an ID or passport.

  • An assistant of the person with disability, who is above 16 and has appropriate documentation, is entitled to a free entrance into Copernicus.

The information above can be also found in „Ticket prices”

How to get there?

You can reach Copernicus Science Centre by car or by public transport – you can find more informations under „Getting here”. 

If you wish to read more about our services for people with disabilities, check on the following website: niepełnosprawnik.pl

The Copernicus Science Center is a partner of the campaign for the accessibility of services for people with disabilities. 
Stop barierom

The Copernicus Science Centre has joined the "Inclu(vi)sion" Partnership