The ESERO program was created in 2006, and gradually extended to 17 European countries, where we currently implement measures adapted to local educational systems. This solution allows for an effective dissemination of the ideas and solutions that we have developed. The Polish partner of the program is Copernicus Science Centre.
The office of ESERO-Poland is a place where we inspire the youth to develop their interests in STEM in the context of space exploration, and support teachers by promoting activating teaching methods. We organise practical workshops where teachers can gain valuable knowledge and skills. Our workshops are also a great platform to exchange ideas and experiences between people who are interested in using the space subject area in teaching.
Lesson scripts that have been developed by ESERO-Poland and the European Space Agency experts can be easily implemented in class. Experiments inspired by space exploration are not only attractive to students, but also facilitate the understanding of many phenomena taught at school, e.g. gravity, optical radiation, or glaciers melting.
By organising conferences and events, like Space in school or Women's galaxy, we introduce young people to the possibilities of having a career in the space sector. We invite them to partake in challenges and contests (e.g. CanSat or Climate Detectives), where they have a chance to execute their own cosmic projects or researches.
Get familiar with the ESERO-Poland website.